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HISTORY: Mosab Pooya Co. Started its activities on 1390 (2011) for presenting Engineering , Industrial , Construction and Optimization services. more information
Managers of Company managers with long precedent in different industries (e.g. Power Plant,Refinery, Mineral Industry...).
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Tools & Abilities of Company Mosab Pooya by using of knowledge and experiences of its managers and experts , can do following work more information
Clients of Company Due to high performance and quality of our manufactured equipment and machines and finished projects , our company has been considered in Vendor List of many Companies such as Ghadir Iranian Iron and Steel Co. , Fakoor Sanat Tehran Co. , Aliazh Joosh Iran Co. , Kavosh Joosh Co. , etc. more information
Contact to Company Add. : Opposite Of Meisam Abattoir , Before Of Manjil Abbad Crossroad , Robat Karim ‐ Shahriyar Road , Saveh Expressway , Tehran Tell / Fax : +982144163517
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